[Exceprt from a website that I have forgotten the name of, apologetically] You have always shared a smoke with him, but one fine day, as you take in a drag, he politely asks for the cigarette and chucks it out of the window! And, he has this look in his eyes that seems to plead, "Please don't for God's sake!" And, wonder of wonders, you (with your entire independent "My lungs, my life" attitude) don't mind-in fact, you want to kick this habit-after all isn't it harmful? However, had it been anyone else, you would have made clear your extreme displeasure at this "unpardonable" act! Just friends, are you? You are the type who is always ready to practice these little acts of kindness towards your friends (for both men and women) - things like waiting in a long queue to buy tickets for a movie, or offering to go out of the way to drop someone home… He's always admired you for it with a word of appreciation. But, all of a sudden, there come...